I noticed today that it has been over a year since my last blog post, so I figured it was time to post an update. A lot has happened in the last year! First of all, I moved from Saipan and accepted a job working for the Micronesia Mission office in Guam. Second and even more exciting, I have a girlfriend! We met in Tennessee this last summer and I am so thankful that she is a part of my life. There will be future posts with stories and lessons I have learned in the last year, but for this post I want to focus on my last 1000 days as a missionary. It is hard to believe that it has been just over 1000 days since I first landed in Saipan almost 3 years ago. When I hit that milestone on Monday, I thought back to my first day on the island. The people were friendly and the trees and water were beautiful. There were brightly colored flowers everywhere! The sun was shining brightly and the air was fresh, and the only thing on my mind was….. How can I get home? Oh how I wanted to leave!...
How many of you have ever had issues trusting God? I have had issues with trust in the past, it can be very hard to count on people, especially when people keep letting you down and you keep getting hurt. But it isn’t supposed to be like that with God, however as ashamed as I am to admit it, I do have issue trusting God at times, even when He gives me every reason to trust Him. It is terrible I know, and while I am learning, those of you who have read previous posts know, its I not a lesson that I have learned quickly. Here is the latest story of how I KNOW that God has everything in his hands, and I can trust him no matter what. A few weeks ago, the school here lost internet, I talked about it in my last post, but for those of you who didn’t read it here’s a “quick” recap, I had been doing some updates to our network equipment, trying to prepare everything for when I leave. In the process of that I lost all internet for the school, there were some settings that got messed up and...